Our Team

Meet our Team

_DSC0314(1) – Serah Muindi

Serah Muindi is the CEO of Hopewell, providing strategic direction and leadership for the organization. Her vision and dedication drive Hopewell's mission forward.

Serah Muindi

CEO of Hopewell
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Gloria is the Chief Operations Officer at Hopewell, ensuring the smooth running of the organization's daily functions. Her expertise keeps things efficient and organized.

Gloria Mwende Itooi

Chief Operations Officer
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Mitchell Owuor is a Counseling Psychologist at Hopewell, offering mental health support and guidance to those in need with her expertise fostering emotional well-being for her clients

Mitchelle Owuor

Counseling Psychologist
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Sheila Uvet is a Counseling Psychologist at Hopewell, to provide vital mental health services by offering comprehensive support to her clients

Sheila Uvet

Counseling Psychologist
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Chebet Kimosop is the Communications Lead at Hopewell.She manages all communication channels, ensuring clear and consistent messaging from the organization.

Chebet Kimosop

Communications Lead
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Dennis Kyalo is the Digital Marketing Lead at Hopewell. He utilizes his digital marketing skills to spread awareness and grow Hopewell's reach on social media platforms.

Dennis Kyalo

Digital Marketing Lead
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Ednah is the Finance Lead at Hopewell, managing the organization's financial health. She ensures responsible financial practices and keeps Hopewell on solid ground.

Ednah Mulekye

Finance Lead